19 Nov 2021
What I'm reading ...
Born On a Blue Day - by Daniel Tammet
This was an excellent book and a very enjoyable read. I always like to get insights into other people’s lives and, when it is someone as remarkable as this author, it is a particular pleasure. The book is well written in a very simple style, that I like. One of my strongest reactions to the book is my familiarity with some of his idiosyncrasies; nothing like the level that he experiences, but confirming that I’m somewhere on the edge of “the spectrum”. Before I finished reading this book, I had ordered a copy of his next one.
10 Nov 2021
What I'm reading ...
Pythagoras - by Kitty Ferguson
I have abandoned reading this book. It is unusual for me to do this, but I see no point in continuing with a book if reading it is a chore; that is not the place for reading in my life. I thought that this book might be interesting, as I like biographies - learning about other people’s lives. However, I just found this book hard going. It started out by explaining that very little is actually known about Pythagoras. This made me wonder what the next 350 pages would hold. The answer is snippets of information, anecdotes and speculation. So, after 50 or so pages, I gave up.