21 Oct 2010

One Day - by David Nicholls

I still do not recall exactly what led me to read this book. I have a suspicion that it may have been pushed at my by Amazon, but, anyway, I have quite enjoyed the read.

The idea is simple. It is the story of the lives of two people, starting from the day they graduate from university. Each chapter talks about the events on a particular day over a number of years, thus giving a series of snapshots of their lives. I think this was quite an original approach and works well.

The story progresses at a good pace, with the odd surprise and temporary confusion. At about 90% of the way through there is a major surprise, which, while trying to not give anything away, completes the structure of the story. Earlier on, I was concerned that the book might just stop, without any real conclusion, which would have been disappointing. I was not disappointed.

I am left wondering whether I like either of the two main characters and I am curiously unsure, but I think the story as a whole will stay with me.


Kirsty said...

I've been surprised and pleased by how many different types of people have read and enjoyed this book. It could so easily have fallen into the slightly-intellectual-chick-lit genre, but I know as many men as women you've read this. I wonder how much of that is to do with the fact it's written by a man. Anyway, it's just fantastic to have a book that I've worked on being read by people I know without me foisting it upon them!

Colin said...

Gosh! I didn't know you'd had anything to do with this book. I can't remember exactly how I came across it. But I am interested in your recommendations/suggestions.