11 Sept 2012

Into The Arena : The World of the Spanish Bullfight - by Alexander Fiske-Harrison

Although I do not have a specific interest in bullfighting, I thought that this book might inform me enough for me to have a valid opinion. Here is the blurb:

This was a good read, with a brisk that kept me on board. The author gives what I thought was a very balanced account of what bullfighting is all about. Although basically in favour of it himself, he did present some of the views of the opposition and admitted occasional doubts himself. A couple of interesting bits:

On politicians:
When asked "Is your party going to raise income tax on low earners after the next election?" they will reply "Our party is committed to proper funding of the welfare state." Which is equivalent to answering "Are you in favour of crusifixion?" with "We have as party always believed in good carpentry."

On danger:
A modern rifle bullet has around 500 calories of kinetic energy. A bull has about 2000 calories of energy, divided over two horns.

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