9 Apr 2014

Cover her Face - by P D James

The first thing that struck me about this book was its age. It was published just over 50 years ago and is set contemporaneously. It is of its time, but I felt not "past its sell by date". It is a classic murder mystery with a complex web of intrigue and multiple sub-plots. Just about every character seems to have a dark secret, so there are plenty of red herrings. I did not guess the perpetrator of the crime before the "big reveal" at the end [Dalgliesh brings everyone together for a theatrical summing up - just like Police do in real life :-)].

I enjoyed the book and found it easy enough to read. Wanting to know what happened kept me turning the pages. I am not sure that I am totally comfortable with the arbitrary viewpoint approach - we are somewhat randomly privy to the thoughts and perspectives of different characters at different times. It was also unfortunate that the Kindle edition of the book has quite a few OCR-related errors - "mat" instead of "that" was quite common. I suppose this is inevitable with older publications.

Ultimately, my enjoyment of the book may well drive me to read more of the author's work. She has a very good reputation, but I think she has been rather too venerated over the years. This is not great literature, but a good read.

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