19 Oct 2015

A Place Called Winter - by Patrick Gale

By excitedly moving straight on to another book by an author, whose work I had just enjoyed, I was leaving myself open to disappointment. In this case, I was not disappointed. The book has a very manageable level of complexity - enough to make it interesting. Multiple timelines are employed, but not over-used, and they do not result in confusion. The characters are well drawn and, even if I do not like them all [the main protagonist is rather weak and stupid IMHO; another character is really unpleasant] I have a clear picture. Even though it is fiction, because it is based on some facts and I have faith in the author’s integrity, I feel I have learned about Canada of a century ago. Overall, this is an excellent book.

There is the temptation to just forge ahead and read all the rest of the author’s work straight away. But I will resist, saving that pleasure for another day.

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