27 Sept 2016

So Much for That - by Lionel Shriver

My faith in Lionel Shriver keeping me turning the pages is intact. This book is, at times, an uncomfortable read, but that is intentional. I was aware that the healthcare system in the US is rather inhumane, but I was unaware of quite how bad it is. Describing it as “survival of the fittest” would not be unreasonable. That is OK - if you are fit. If I bring one thing away from the book, it is gratitude for living in a civilized country - i.e. one with a social healthcare system that actually works [imperfect sometimes, but amazing at others].

The story in the book is quite complex with a rich selection of characters. It is not told from a single viewpoint, though it is largely from Shep and Jackson’s perspectives. There are some nice twists, which kept me interested all the way to the end.

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