14 Jul 2005

Presentations for Dummies - by Malcolm Kushner

Another book I have been reading in preparation for a session I am running at work next week.

My experience is that Dummies books are very variable - obviously depends upon the author. But when they're good, they're often very good. This is such an example. There is hardly a page that doesn't have a good idea or some new insight. Even as a very experienced presenter, learned a lot from this book.

It is not without humour, of course. I particularly enjoyed:

There are 3 types of presenter: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who wonder what happened.

An old philosopher's advice to presenters: speak up to be heard; stand up to be seen; shut up to be enjoyed.

A Japanese proverb: Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.

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