13 Aug 2005

Blood Rain - by Michael Dibdin

The story is about the hero being on Sicily investigating a Mafia- related case. His daughter Carla is also there and becomes friendly with a judge and suspicious about some tampering with the computer system that she is working on.

For the most part, I enjoyed this mystery story. It has a good pace and wasn't hard to read. Also, there is a dramatic turn of events in the middle of the book [start of part 2]. I am motivated to read other books in the Aurelio Zen series, but I do have a few concerns:

Most significant was the ending. The book has one, but I am unsure that I understand it. I also don't know if there is a further volume in the series that will clarify the matter.

The author is prone to giving rather more detail at times than I feel is strictly necessary for the progress of the story. In one place we are told about Carla's upcoming birthday [p51]; we are told again about the birthday shortly after [p65].

I am always concerned about technical inaccuracies. On page 300 we hear about the use of a "stick of plastic explosive". I don't think that plastic explosive comes in sticks.

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