3 Jul 2011

Moab is my Washpot - by Stephen Fry

Having read the second volume of Stephen Fry's autobiography, I had high expectations of this, the first volume. I was not disappointed. The book covers all his early life up until he went to university. He writes with almost shocking honesty, covering very personal things like his early sex life and homosexuality, his criminal exploits and an attempt on his own life. One of the clearest things, that I observed, is that he never seems to try to put himself in a good light, as many celebrities do - quite the reverse, in fact. Maybe it's a kind of double bluff.

The book is written in the inimitable Fry style, which means that it is always entertaining and his penchant for unusual words meant that I was glad to be reading it as an e-book and could do dictionary lookups so easily.

I still don't understand the title.

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