25 Jun 2014

What I'm reading ...

I have started Hideous Creatures by S E Lister. This is another "fantasy" book. Although I normally like to swap genres with each new book, I thought it might be interesting to read two back to back, particularly as the author of this book has been compared with that of the last. I discover books in various ways, but is one is unusual, as it was recommended to my by the author's father, with whom I am acquainted through our mutual interesting photography. As a proud father myself, I knew where he was coming from. Here's the blurb:

Arthur Hallingham is the youngest son of an English earl. He’s on the run from his former life – from a family where painful, half-understood secrets lurk. Arthur travels on a slave ship to America, hoping to lose himself amidst the teeming squalor and vaulting ambitions of the New World. Before long he meets Flora, the tough daughter of an outlaw, and Shelo, a native medicine man with mysterious powers who seems to have a plan for him. The three set off on a journey through the thick forests and along the wide rivers of the lush southern wilderness. As they near their destination, Shelo’s terrible and destructive purpose is gradually revealed. Hideous Creatures is a rich, beautiful and compelling novel that will appeal to readers of Audrey Niffenegger and Neil Gaiman, by a young debut author destined for literary stardom.

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