22 Jan 2005

What I'm reading ...

I have started I Sleep at Red Lights by Bruce Stockler

I stumbled on this book by accident. I was reading a review of another book on Amazon and the reviewer recommended this one and it appealed to me.

The idea is simple enough: the author and his wife, living in a one-bedroom apartment in NYC with their young son, learn that they are expecting triplets ... Life is never the same again.

White Teeth - by Zadie Smith

It's taken me a while to work through this book, but I have enjoyed it.

It is a vast story, covering the life of the Jones, Iqbal and Chalfen families and the intricate connections between them.

The quality of writing is excellent, with very detailed pictures painted, but with humour always lurking in the background. I love the idea of a militant Islamic organization called K.E.V.I.N.

I'm not really sure that I understood the ending...