18 Feb 2006

What I'm reading ...

I have started We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver.

Straight on to the next Bookclub book - I am getting behind, as I don't read fast enough.

This book is about a kid who carried out a high school massacre in the US. It is told in the form of a series of letters from his mother to her estranged husband.

I was surprised to discover that the author is female - the name would suggest otherwise.

17 Feb 2006

Holidays in Hell - by P J O'Rourke

I enjoyed this book. PJO's cynicism and occasional outrageous statements amused me. But at the same time, he paints vivid pictures of the places he went and the people he found there. The destinations were various political "hot spots" and other places in the news at the time of writing [mid-1980s]. My only problem is trying to remember what all the politics was about back then - a lot's happened in the world in the last 20 years.

I am bemused about the title. He's an American, but he's using the word "holiday" in the English sense, where they would normally say "vacation". Perhaps it should have been "Vacations in Valhalla".

Time to listen to the Bookclub programme now ...