29 Nov 2006

Bill Bryson

Yesterday evening, we went to a talk by Bill Bryson. He was primarily promoting his new book, but it was rather more than a sales pitch. He is not a natural stage presence, but he is an engaging speaker nevertheless. He talked about various things that interested him, did a few readings from his books [not just the latest] and took questions.

Afterwards, he was available for book signing. It took a while, as there were quite a few people. Many of them had armfuls of books and wanted photos, which I thought was a bit of a cheek. I have met him before, but it was good to see him again.

7 Nov 2006

Old Filth - by Jane Gardam

I am still behind with my reading. This was last month's Bookclub book, but at least I can still listen to the programme.

This book is the fictional life story of a solicitor, "Filth" ["Failed in London, try Hong Kong"]. It paints an interesting picture of someone born in the early 20th Century with estranged parents in the far East. It is a sad story, in some ways, because, although he never wanted for anything materially, I had the feeling that something was missing from his life. I enjoyed the read.