29 Aug 2016

Big Brother - by Lionel Shriver

The topic and initial premise of this book sounded interesting and I was confident that the author would do it justice. My interest in the book was piqued when I learned that the subject was very much a reflection of the author’s life. It is not autobiographical - she wrote it partly to help her process her own experiences.

All the themes around eating disorders, body image issues and prejudices are addressed in a typical no-holes-barred way. The story has a great pace and, although it is covering serious issues, manages to have its humorous moments. I was interested to know how the author would manage to tell a story of what might have been - with a different outcome than that in her own life - without it being an obvious “if only real life had turned out this way” story. Re-writes of history rarely succeed. This book, however, handles this matter very well and is wrapped up in good Shriver style with a great twist.

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